A genre of music with current affairs at its heart, a comedic tone and a catchy melody.
'Him and the Layers' are the world's foremost Topical Pop group.
by therealmccoy September 16, 2020
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One of my favorite moots on tiktok! They post really great content, and they are beautiful!
Girl 1: Have you seen no...pop’s new post?
Girl 2: Yeah! They are amazing!
by Sevenlittledwarfs April 30, 2021
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A MOTHER FUCKING STONER who like to eat water and drink orange chicken.
“damn you smoked that whole blunt? its been 5 minutes!” “don't worry i'm izzy pop heneajane” “oh right you eat water and drink orange chicken
by Izzy319 September 26, 2021
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A phrase to describe someone or something that is cooler than most, taken from the ice cold snack known as freezypops......which are pretty damn cool temperature-wise.
"Where'd you get them shades, kid!? They be freezy like pops!"
by jcalamb April 19, 2010
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When your pops gives slop
Damn man that pop slope was so gas
by cleavlend steamer 25 November 1, 2021
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Getting in on the action, that one was originally left out from; typically a determination of one coming from poverty and into prosperity.
We're broke as mfer over here, ima pop a piss in', hands in the air, Chuck Norris style aye'

- Conor McGregor
by Onnit' May 30, 2022
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