Mental health care services for select needy groups of the population provided by the government
Repealing the IMD exclusion from Medicaid would be a public health service for mental health care
by Anonymous April 7, 2003
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A person, usually a drama queen woman, who loudly broadcasts her relationship woes on Public transportation via cell phone.
As II sat on the L I had to listen to an hysterical Public Transportation Loser scream at her baby daddy for the entire trip.
by KImCobain September 2, 2015
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The process of entering a public or privat bathroom, kicking down the door, and lunging at the person there. Once you get to them, you can preform oral sex on any lower oraface, despite the fact of whatever they're doing on the toilet. Sounds disgusting, has never been atemped before, and only will be by the worst of humanity.
Milly: Mom, why were you screaming?
Jill: Oh, your father gave me a Suprise Public Fucking.
Milly: What?
Jill: When I was in the bathroom, when your father kicked down the door, and started eating me out, even though I'm on my period.
by Tiberius Declemont December 29, 2018
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Millburn has a very prestigious school system. Many come to Millburn/Short Hills for these very reasons. However, be advised! Their middle and high schools are very intense and fast paced. My family member claims it's "a fight" to get inquiries answered by teachers and staff.
Millburn Public School District is one of the best school districts in New Jersey.
by Happy facer boi March 14, 2022
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A public school is a school that runs on public funds, usually government-imposed taxes. It's free for everyone to go to a primary or secondary public school. ... Public universities are also sometimes called public schools in the US, and while they're not free, they are less expensive for state residents.
People who attend US public schools are uncivil, worthless pieces of trash who bully others or stand idly by while aware that fellow students are being hurt.
Don't be bothered by that school bully because they are just public school garbage. Someone will murder them eventually.
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