A being (usually a human being) that has the amazing capability to consistently fail to understand any abstract concept, social cue, literary element, or hint within conversation. They seem to be so stupid that it prompts one to ask, “How did this person manage to get this far in life?”
Despite this, they carry on like anyone else would.
This customer had a rock consciousness. They complained that the food they were given didn’t look exactly like the picture on the menu.
by aevigata July 15, 2019
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A pop and rock music dance that imitates the look of a raccoon. Most notably done to 'Jailhouse Rock'. Originated by Technical Sergeant George Riker.
George: (as 'Jailhouse Rock' starts playing) Hey Nick, you want to come do the Raccoon Rock with me? You'll love it!

Nick: (squeals) Oh boy, this is gonna be great!

George: You bet! Nothing beats this dance.

Nick: Nobody dances like George "The Raccoon" Riker.

George: (hugging Nick) That's right. You'll learn to be a Raccoon Rocker in no time.
by Dusty's Baby Powder November 9, 2010
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crush 40

crush 40 is the worst example of a "rock band"
their music is shit
jimmy: what the fuck are you listening to?
alex: crush 40
jimmy: dude crush 40 is the worst rock band in existence
by notmemes May 14, 2019
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Pretty much a geologist, just a lot shittier and less educated then a normal one.
Holy shit, did you hear that Rick’s backup plan is to become a rock scientist?!
by Guacas Muy Grandes June 7, 2020
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when a female jams rocks into a mans asshole and jerks him to completion then shits the rocks on her chest.
girl last night i gave my man the best rock cosby ever!
by bruhbruhddam August 22, 2017
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To pass out, or be in a deep sleep
Guy 1: Yo did you see Alyssa last night? She was Pnb rocked at the party

Guy 2: Yeah bro, she’s a two beer queer dawg
by PLKIsMoney December 17, 2019
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