A word that refers to the mythical creatures that are AWESOME! Means something is cool or hip, down to earth, and all around rad.
That was so gnome of you.
by Forest918 July 13, 2023
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The gnomes are an outdoors decorations made from ceramic and are most commonly found on lawns and the deepest depths of Hell. They sustain on human energy. Beware of the gnomes. Kill on sight.
A -Yo, I saw a gnome yesterday on my bed.
B -Burn your house and run while you can.
by gnomeisdangerousRUN March 14, 2021
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an inter-dimensional god who watches over all of time with his strange little hat and laughs maniacally at all who pass by.
Hey, you laugh like a gnome!
by King Gnomus June 18, 2020
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(Pronounced “Genowm”) a gnome is gnot a gnelf, gnot a gnoblin but a gnome. Used to express something’s trashness. Gnomosexual or gnomodexual are good ways of proving your point
by Spicy Ronald August 25, 2020
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When a guy falls below a girls standards but she keeps leading him on because he's a good backup. Usually you rank super high in one or two qualities whether it's attractiveness, intelligence/wit, niceness, charm, etc. but you fall short in other categories, so she wants you sometimes but she's not interested in the whole package.
"How can I impress a girl to get her to like me" Guy 1
"Dude, don't. You'll just get turned into her gnome" Guy 2
by gotchubro March 1, 2020
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It's gnot a gnoblin, It's gnot a gnelf. It's a gnome!
Tom - "I love gnomes!"
Elvis - "Oh, ok."
by ChromicQuanta January 16, 2023
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