1. A person born into wealth who believes that everyone living in the United States of America has had an equal amount of school/employment opportunities as them but is just a lazy (insert minority here) and would rather live in state assisted housing; have more children in order to collect more welfare and play dominos/craps while they are hard at work at their uncles law firm.

2. An individual that feels abortion is murder and that women should not have the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. A member of society who would like to see Christian prayer in public schools despite separation of church and state and respect to other student’s religions. Someone willing to forfeit civil liberties and think the war in Iraq has something to do with the tragic events in New York City on September 11th, 2001.
1. Some bush supporter wants to cut funding for PBS because they perceive it to be bias liberal programming.

2. So do bush supporters relize if they ban abortions there will be more welfare babies? Or do they plan to ban abortions and dismember welfare?
by Emmanuel_Goldstein July 19, 2005
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Worse than fucked up and screwed up.
To find a way to take something that is broken and make it worse.
To handle a situation in the manner of George W. Bush.
"First, New Orleans got it's ass kicked by hurricane Katrina, the broken levees and the floods.
Then, it got totally Bushed-up by Dubya and the idiots at FEMA!"
by stenro April 11, 2006
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Bush Monkey
{Methius addictivius}
A Bush Monkey is commonly found in the southern parts of the U.S such as Alabama and Arkansas. Bush monkeys are characterized by their addictions to methamphetamine, opiates and in most cases shady demeanor. They spend most of their time scavenging for scrap metal and hiding in the bushes outside your house to connect to your wifi and take anything that isn't tied down.

Not to be confused with the northern term Porch Monkey.
God dammit man I think we have a bush monkey outside! Quick disconnect the wifi and lock the fuckin doors
by Cg420 December 12, 2016
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the anoyying jackass who scrapes into every conversation when it is obvious to everyone but him that he is not wanted. they think they are hilarious and they laugh at their own jokes when they arent funny. they also insult people openly at inappropriate times with no regard for anyones feelings
"that guy is such a bush-head"
by Mcgroob March 20, 2009
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They methodology and ideology of the George W. Bush presidency. Calling torture enhanced interrogation tactics. Calling a bill that enables further destruction of the environment the clean air act. Picking apart the facts or straight up ignoring them just to get what you want. Calling things the exact opposite of what they are in an attempt to trick stupid people into thinking they are good.
Hey global warming is destroying the earth, the patriot act just took away all of my civil liberties, and the nation is entering another great depression. All well we can all thank the bush system for that.
by NotAnUndercoverCop January 31, 2009
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Overgorwn, unkempt and matted pubic hair, making sexual penetration difficult, if not impossible, without cutting.

Generally dirty, and smelly due to lack of access to vagina for cleaning.
hey john man! the girl i hooked up with last night had some serious medieval bush going on. I had to eat that shit from the back.
by monkeybones February 9, 2009
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Pittsburguese for a bush with thorns on it.
Gordon was badly injured when he fell into a jagger bush.
by Patrick Judge October 28, 2004
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