The least responsible person you've ever known, male or female saying someone or something else is not responsible.
The bubbly girl like to poke fun at another person's double standard, but couldn't see her own for what it was. She was too busy trying to get people to take her seriously and respect her by looking/sounding serious and indirectly having other people threaten people for her.
by Solid Mantis April 22, 2021
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The world doesnt try to shame females who think their social skills are perfect, the world tries to shame males who are perceived as having no social skills (though a lot of this comes from the same people who claim they're being shamed themselves, not society). The reality is there are no human victims, if theres one species that deserve to suffer, its humans.
Double standards are when one group's behavior is defended, but the same behavior in another group is condemned. So, pretending to suddenly jump to a male's defense when you finally discover oh shit, not all double standards work in a male's favor, or are perpetuated by males, or people other than yourself, and now you want to try and be the solution doesnt work. You are as much the problem as anybody else, you are as much the hypocrite as anybody else, even if you dont get that you are.
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020
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The world doesnt try to shame females who think their social skills are perfect, the world tries to shame males who are perceived as having no social skills (though a lot of this comes from the same people who claim they're being shamed themselves, not society). The reality is there are no human victims, if theres one species that deserve to suffer, its humans.
Double standards are when one group's behavior is defended, but the same behavior in another group is condemned. So, pretending to suddenly jump to a male's defense when you finally discover oh shit, not all double standards work in a male's favor, or are perpetuated by males, or people other than yourself, and now you want to try and be the solution doesnt work. You are as much the problem as anybody else, you are as much the hypocrite as anybody else.
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020
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Double standards dont come from society, they come from people. Therefore any double standard in a female's favor usually come from females.
You could tell it bothered the female quick to point out other people's double standards to point out her own double standards, she still couldnt see how they made her as much of a hypocrite (or a narcissist) as everybody else (even males). A taste of your own medicine and shit isnt always delicious, is it?
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020
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A female playing all sides, especially the males, is celebrated in music and other media, but a guy playing all sides is someone everyone is trying to take into custody.
Females quick to try and pick at everyone else's double standards don't usually see their own for what they are.
by Solid Mantis November 9, 2020
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When someone treats someone well but treats another poorly, even though it's the same exact thing.
He raped me (female speaking) OMG CALL THE POLICE HE NEEDS TO BE SENT TO JAIL
That is a double standard.
by CommanderPoo555 March 17, 2022
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To be someone of similarity to Cameron Scott darling or To be cunt like
Oh my god stop being so double standards you’re turning into cameron
by Ruby stead December 16, 2021
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