A Small human being often found rummaging around gyms for 1.25kg plates. Renowned for their inability to rerack waits and not use Performance Enhancers although their body clearly could do with "Enhancing"
Wow, that guy trains so much yet he looks like a Leon.
by FSGremlin February 26, 2021
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A Leon is a True King.

Girls will like him, and much more after they get his attention. He is powerful, wild, mostly long haired and just a bit over average attactive. But thats ok. He doesnt like the sun. He is cool, also spiritedly and likes lazy shady freetime. Guys well fear him until he starts to become a real man. To survive: Obey. Or become a friend of a Leon,
so u'll be safe and sound. He thinks a lot and cares a lot about the people next to him.
You CAN like him. May he is adorable to u. May hes not. Even if he is kinda... speacial and annoying sometimes. He just feels kinda lonely, so he likes it to laugh about weird things, his own bad jokes or a... "unique" situation. But remember: he is a true leader. He will be soft. Or not. Your Choise. He knows both. If ur unlucky he shows you his dark side. Also think back to the old days of Kings. Monogamy is not his nature. Think back to the boring tv documentaions u saw. Dont miss the border of his territory. Just dont make him angry. Feel safe. And dont forget: he is just a man. He will make mistakes. May help him. MIAU MOTHERFCKER! :3
>Should I join him? I definitly can not make him happy. He seems cute. Why no one vote him as our leader?
>Oh, Leon already is. Even if Max is the official KIng. Just be a nice girl to him like the others. You can find him next to his girls and enemys, in the shadows next to the sun. He is the long-haired fearful boy with the soft deep voice. U see him? He just plays with 'em. Go to him and join the game. Have fun. Dont worry. Those twilighted shadows are too afraid of him and his friends.
by Rex Dracula January 18, 2017
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Is the ultimate sex god and is the duck overlord can use any stand ability form jojo
Person: hi leon

by Diothe over lord June 19, 2021
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Oh it is Leon.
You mean the guy with the massive 8 Inches Cock ?
Yeah exactly!!
by Nigga2000 October 6, 2020
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Leon gets lots of pussy and bitches and so does his friends, zac , maddox , xav , will c , will b , cooper , melody , josh and bailey. They all get bitches
Guy 1 : Damn Leon and his friends get bitches!

Guy 1 : And i dont :(
by The Chicken JOE April 15, 2022
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