See Bitch
1. (Noun) More than one stupid Cunt, whoring around looking to fuck anything that has a dick.

2. (Noun) A male or female group of pussies.
Where my bitches at?!
by Beast November 19, 2003
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1.) The female equivalent of an asshole. This can be an insult or a compliment, depending on the context.

2.) To whine

3.) A subservient person, especially in a sexual situation.

4.) A female dog

5.) An abstract expression that Dave Chappelle often uses to start or end a sentence.
"That cashier didn't smile. What a bitch!"

"Oh stop bitching. She was just tired."

"Yeah, and besides, being a cashier sucks. You're basically the customer's bitch, until they leave the store."

"Speaking of which, that bitch I was dog-sitting for is pregnant! We're trying to find homes for all the puppies."

"I'm Rick James, bitch!"
by The Chickens Are Revolting December 6, 2014
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1.More then one bitch.
2.Derogatory term for more then one woman.
1."Then the bitches will procreate and have puppies... Horray puppies!"
2."Where my bitches at, foo?"
3."Bitches! where's my keys?!?"
by "Duke" December 29, 2005
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Much more of an everyday usable version of Ownt,Owned,Pwned etc.

Generally used to denote some one to that of a Ho'
"Shit man she just bitched you!"

"Don't Start a fight with me, you'll just get bitched"
by BlackStar* December 18, 2008
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Any woman that pisses me off!
Lobster and the opera and all I get is a handshake? You Bitch!
by Pud May 31, 2005
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