Poor, unsophisticated, trashy white people with strong antisocial tendencies.

White trash breed like rabbits due to their lack of sexual restraint. It is not uncommon for a white trash woman to have several bastard children from multiple deadbeat fathers.

White trash come from broken homes and broken families; most start out as juvenile delinquents and "progress" to high school dropout status. Finding a white trash person without a criminal record is like finding a McDonald's with a working ice cream machine.

White trashiness is a result of generations of cyclical poverty and ignorance.

White trash people are distinguished from rednecks by their lack of morals, hygiene, and work ethic. Rednecks strongly disapprove of relying on the government; white trash get practically all of their income from welfare checks and child support.
I drove past the trailer park and a bunch of white trash kids threw rocks at my car.
by Howimetyourgrandma March 10, 2021
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Exclaimed in celebration after a feat of white trash ingenuity has been accomplished, or after learning of good news.
You hear Cindy Gene and Billy Wayne got hitched?
by Dirty Band-Aid May 4, 2011
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When your father ejaculates on you face and your mother rubs it in like lotion
My daddy gave me another white trash facial last night.
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When parents make their kids leave their doors open when they're changing or going to the bathroom.
Her parents made her change with the door open they were pretty "Hardcore White Trash"
by I'm white and black February 27, 2017
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When a man receives oral sez from a woman who he realizes later gad a latter mustache than he does.
My balls are tingling so much that you would have thought that I got a 4 hour white trash tickler
by El Cacaute September 25, 2023
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A description used to define your friends cooking that will likely get you banned from facebook
by Gingerliberty April 10, 2021
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