Didn't readily accept everything they heard, witnessed, read without thinking about the matter, since to not question a matter would be to assume, and assumptions are dangerous.
Bad things would happen to any guy that questioned if the girl was really raped, whether anybody would want to rape her, whether they found her attractive or not personally (regardless of what other guys thought of her), since to do so was to question her authoritie, which made it harder for her to dominate/intimidate members of the opposite sex (via court and prison sentences) as she was accustomed to. If a guy did the same thing, nobody would hesitate to question or even laugh at him, including some of the females that claimed to be raped, assaulted, or abused (many of whom benefitted personally from doing so).
by The Original Agahnim July 2, 2021
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Didn't readily accept everything they heard or were told by the media or other sources, thought for themselves about something.
Bad things would happen to any male that even questioned whether the girl was really raped, or whether anybody would really rape/want to rape her, or whether they found her attractive or not (regardless of what other guys thought), since to do so was to question her authoritie. She must not have liked anyone of the opposite sex challenging her authoritie too much, since that made it harder for her to dominate members of the opposite sex. If a guy said he was raped, nobody would hesitate to question it or laugh at him, since guys aren't special or remarkable.
by The Original Agahnim July 2, 2021
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The thing that you're pissed off at me about.
Hym "The question I raised was 'what reason is there to NOT do some shit like that?' And what was your response? 'Go fuck yourself. There isn't.' You should be angry with yourselves. Not me. That's good to know. Me and everyone else watching will keep that in mind"
by Hym Iam September 12, 2022
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He would rather avoid it too
Hym “Because he doesn’t like the thing that he becomes if he answers it. That’s clearly were the left goes too far. Reconfiguring words so that you don’t have to be the thing that you clearly are. Reconfigure the definition so you don’t have to consider yourself charlatan. Reconfigure the words so she isn’t a retard molester. Because getting slutted out by a cripple behind your fiancé’s back is like Romeo and Juliet. Calling into question the definition of words is your entire shtick! Time is up by the way and I remain unconvinced. You have selected punishment. Congratulations!”
by Hym Iam September 27, 2022
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That's a good one.
Hym "That's actually a really good question! How do I avoid the paranoid? Hmm.... Either or thinking and being flexible (like water). It either is or it isn't. The hard you try to prevent me from having my say, the less-wrong it makes me appear. At least in my own mind. I know I said it a while ago so maybe you don't remember, I'm confident in my ability talk my way out of anything. I could talk my way out of hell if I had to. And I have an unlimited amount of time to do it."
by Hym Iam July 29, 2022
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Does that answer your question, Jordan? Or does it need to be a yes or no? Because I know how you feel about yes or no questions...
Hym "To answer your question, Yes. The first time I did it begrudgingly, at someone else's behest. Tried to convince them not to do it or to do it in a way that wasn't fucking retarded. Seriously. If you're going to commit fraud, do not let the ring leader be a fat bald retard. Second time was compensatory. She was fucking the retard. She was talking about how much she loves fat cocks and she locked eyes with a cripple for a full 7 count. She fucked him. Which means.... there aren't any cameras here. And to tolerate that shit costs way more than I was being paid. Why should I be forced to eat the cost? I don't think I should have to do that. So, I didn't. Hit them with a little 'labor inflation' and send a few thousand 'emails' asking where the fuck that prostitute was keeping my money and allowed them to compensate me for services rendered. Wasn't enough obviously. My payment remains incomplete. Interest is building.... 🤷 I still maintain that I am fairly morally grey. For now at least."
by Hym Iam February 9, 2023
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