usually a transvestite, eats a lot of ass, and broccoli. sleeps for years. vape. horse tranquilizer sometimes. kinda cold. (cold emoji)
oh look! it’s paige scharf. oh no, she’s doing horse tranquilizer again🤦🏿 ♀️
by xoxotransvestite August 30, 2022
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1. n. (plural) a group of poeple who one pregames with and later takes facebook/myspace photos of themselves taking awesome shooters and just soaking up each other's awesomness

2. n.(singular-formally just using "col" instead of "col, aige, cage, sage and paige") One who uses people for alc/weed money and free trips to jamaica or any other destination
Last night we were a col, aige, cage, sage and paige before the concert! LOLZ I was so0o0o drunk.
by mth91 November 4, 2007
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a girl one grade below me who thinks is cool to smoke and vape. Ms. wannabe wilbur soot needs to get humbled rq cause the only reason she even does it is cause of her friend (also my friend) prani. (yes, i'm dead naming AND using the wrong pronouns, tf you finna do abt it bitch).
an example of her shit:

person- "yooo wil(paige derkas), you look high asf rn"

wil- "lmao yea, I smoked before I came to school"

person-" damn, can I get a hit?"

wil- no tf, im not letting you take a hit of my (literally nonexistent) pen"
by kali✊🏿 May 19, 2023
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Paige Brucker is so cool I love her so much she is the best.
by Jack Ference November 8, 2021
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a fat orange nigga who is into spanish lettuce porn
yo that fat orange nigga paige makes me wanna drink some milk on god
“fat nigga ginger paige fromkin
by February 2, 2022
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being over protecting and borderline psychotic when it comes to a significant other
"that girl is acting so paige-ish. why is she constantly tracking her boyfriend"
by misskeisha6969 February 14, 2018
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