The act of turning your dad’s thermostat to 100f and proceeding to have sex with your girl in your sweltering Arabian desert bedroom. When you are about to conclude, you stand up and start preforming a swaying motion with your dick and concluding across your partner, making it seem like you etch a sketched all over your partner. The removal process is to vigorously shake your partner.
Randy gave me the Arabian etch a sketch last night, things got heated
by lukedanc October 29, 2019
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Expanding or stretching the ball sack over the nose and mouth of a female resulting in a dead body to make love to them kebab them into some delishes Arabian salad
Dude I totally Arabian spiderweb her allaahhh akbarrrrr
by Nermerniger January 27, 2018
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When you are camping , either in a group or alone, and you wake up the next morning only to find the tent completely covered in human excrement.
"How was your camping trip?"
"Eh, it was alright"
"Why just alright?"
"Everything was going great, until we woke up the next day, only to find that someone had given us an Arabian Tent"
by TittyWangBang January 11, 2015
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When you combine cocaine and hot sauce and snort it and for maximum pleasure scream "Allah".
Oh John I just did a arabian flare and I am fucking burning!
by Cocainekarl May 23, 2014
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When a bunch of men ejaculate on an Arabian women in a barbershop, and the proceeds to roll in the hair on the ground.
Oh it's Halloween I need and affordable costume any one down to give me a quick Arabian Sasquatch?
by Rick Montgomery April 6, 2014
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When you squat over someone's face and place a scrotum on each eyeball
Mac gave Ross an Arabian goggle eyes when he was sleeping
by Mac&Ross September 20, 2015
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When an Arabian male takes a laxative and puts a stick of dinomite up his ass and then when he is just about to shit he ignites the dinomite and it causes an eruption
Arabian volcano
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
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