3 definitions by lukedanc

A sentence used to frighten your 9th grade English teacher, eventually inducing a massive seizure. This sentence is best used on English teachers who are just starting to teach English because it lets them know exactly how retarded his or her students are right from the get go.
“Dude I’m gonna hit the new English teacher with the Have you ever been so far as to even pretend to even want to go to do more like.
Friend: “Dude be careful, remember what happened last time to the last teacher.”
“Dude don’t worry it will be hilarious.”
by lukedanc July 20, 2019
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The act of turning your dad’s thermostat to 100f and proceeding to have sex with your girl in your sweltering Arabian desert bedroom. When you are about to conclude, you stand up and start preforming a swaying motion with your dick and concluding across your partner, making it seem like you etch a sketched all over your partner. The removal process is to vigorously shake your partner.
Randy gave me the Arabian etch a sketch last night, things got heated
by lukedanc October 29, 2019
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