15 definitions by Wamiscat69
The best rap crew around who make fire ass tunes. The sus bros consists of 2 sexy ass men called hypernatix ant ttvbootylicker69
Young sus bros dont hit it from the back
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
When a dini walks in on a Marian touching his penis then the dini says wow that's big then they proceed to fuck but then dinis mom comes home and says bubu I am home and walks on them fucking
Www.pornhub.com/Fucking step dad gon sexual
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
Fat guy gets served by straight marine
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
A Romanian sexual position which involves a man putting weed (cannabis) into another males foreskin and lighting up
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019
by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019