Alternative to 'cap'.
A small lie told for clout or other social benefits.
"I rizzed up this chick the other day"
"That's cappington village"
by Bum Pooer March 23, 2023
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A restaurant in Alva, Oklahoma that serves a rare delicacy of strictly microwaved Mexican food.
Hey man, you wanna go eat at Taco Village?
by Taco Village June 9, 2017
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A large hotel for the over 70's. Residents love it there and often say their highlight is the beautiful landscaped grounds and access to amenities.
by sisibubbles February 27, 2022
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For white, rich, snooby, stuck-up, East Tennessee hicks to inhabit. Has golf courses and a lake for boats and yachts.
After earning a degree from community college, Bob married Barbara and they left the shitty side of East Tennessee and moved to Telico Village, where they could disregard anyone who isn't them and live in peace.
by anonymous1514442 March 25, 2011
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Collection of those little houses by kite hill on campus at Clemson. Contrary to popular belief, they are in fact the shit. Where the only truly finest live.
by Andy Teazle February 3, 2012
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When someone who comes from a small country becomes extremely defensive about being called a villager for their "backwards thinking".
You're mad that I suggested you neuter your cat? You won't do it because you think it will take away his manhood? You must have a villager complex.
by 4skin gamer January 5, 2021
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