Fassion using influence from goth, punk, rivithead cultures, minced with boy scout uniforms, hiking boots, and camal backs.
"So Brian and i had a great idea, after we finished selling popcorn we put on our chains and our Manson shirts. Yeah, we were so Scout-core"
by Prince Beo November 26, 2009
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Gabby: I just got into Harvard.

Fred: Scouted, congrats!
by glizzygoblinnn June 16, 2021
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Girls never needed to join Boy Scouts they should’ve stayed in Girl Scouts keep Boy Scouts Boy Scouts not Scouts bsa. BSA does stand for Boy Scouts Of America and the girls think it doesn’t. Just change Girl Scouts not Boy Scouts.
What is scouts bsa? It’s was Boy Scouts but girls ruined it.
by Boy Scout July 25, 2021
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Qveen Herby started calling her fans, Qveen Scouts. Which became popular for her fans, the Qveendom. Now and then many fans call themselves Q. Scouts, Qveen, Scouts, or just Qveen Scouts.
OMG! Qveen Herby just released merch for her Qveen Scouts!
by Qveen Scouts February 7, 2022
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A group of desperate teens with an incredible amount of girth but not length
Jenna the Girth Scouts are here!”
by LilDongle February 28, 2019
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To perform a facial expression which is a hybrid of scowling and pouting, in order to generate sympathy for oneself, whilst also displaying disgust or distaste for a situation.

First created by Bao in the early 1990's, scouting became increasingly popularised after 2000, with many people adopting the expression to 'get your scout on' to be almost interchangeable with 'pity whore'.
1. "Oh man! I totally pwned Bao's ass at Starcraft the other day, he totally got his scout on!"

2. "Man my girlfriend was giving me such shit the other day."

"Dude, you should totally get your scout on."

3. "Check Bao out dude, he's totally scouting you."

"Well, he'll get no pity from me. Not with that sassy attitude."
by irish_leper January 26, 2006
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Man I shouldn’t have slept with Jennifer, she gave me Boy Scout cookies
by Amusedrussianman March 8, 2019
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