A Simpel Crust(™) is someone who is a wannabe funny guy, who plays Minecraft half the day, and is bad at combos in everything else, and hasn't finished The Office
Person 1: Man, that Moroccan Christmas episode was.. wow!
Person 2: You JUST got past that episode?
Person 1: Yeah?
Person 2: You're such a Simpel Crust™.
by Simpelist Crust™ July 10, 2019
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BROOO that hummas is so crusted
by bizzzzthefizzzz November 19, 2021
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To be cool, sick, gnarly, awesome
“Damn bro that’s so crusted!”
Gina is so crusted!”
“That latte art is crusted af!”
by August 8, 2022
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Used to describe anything crusty, rusty, flakey, tarnished, dusty, dirty, mucky, or lucky.
Bruh Mario's dog is so fucking crusted.
by ShmooLover69420 November 29, 2022
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Antonym for bussin. Crusted means bad or not as good as expected experience or object.
That party last night was crusted. My moms dinner was straight crusted af.
by Crusted.creator August 11, 2021
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The dandruff like residue which grows on the heads of insanely retarded hormonal teenage boys e.g. Mohammed Hussain aka Mo
Guy1: Dude, what's that shit in your hair?

Mo: ....Crust...

Guy1: Sorry man, I didn't know you were like that
by Mo_Man October 13, 2012
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