It's a dynamic of knowing or not knowing what it is that makes this term funny. If you are in on the joke it is what ever you wanna come up with and improve on the spot and anyone can add to it or give their mystery sauce deep fried nacho cheesed variation. The person who doesn't know a version is joked on because they didnt know.
Skylikeforserious says "What do you mean you don't know what prison oysters are, in SF we deep fry lamb and beef meatballs a put nacho cheese and hint of fennel on them." Ted says "In Albuquerque we do them the same except add peppers n christmas salsa" ...
by SUGARPHUCK July 30, 2022
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Used for protection when shucking oysters. Originated in Lakeside PEI and sometimes used to scratch an itch.
Hey baby. Smell my oyster glove.
by Gazebo Johnny July 28, 2020
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The act of shoving your balls into someone's anus
We didn't have any anal beads handy, so I put my balls into her anus and gave her an Anal Oyster
by The danger ranger December 19, 2017
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I’ve heard that chick likes to put out. She has an aggressive vagina. A tenacity oyster, if you will .
by Dom Dom June 17, 2023
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Austin is extremely gay and breathes gayness. Austins are usually creepy, are obsessive, and follow people around. They have brown hair, wear glasses, and sometimes have a mohawk. IDK really know.
"Didja see Austin the oyster earlier?"
"Heh Austin the oyster is TOTALLY Gay"
by johnny longstockings November 2, 2020
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