1. slang for a common whore of the Old West. 2. a subtle term for addressing modern whores who get confused when unfamiliar words are used.
man: "Hey, devil-breasted mattress thatcher, what did I tell you about putting your skeezy hands on me?"
ho: "Huh?"
man: "Exactly. Make like a tree and piss off."
by Kristopher Smith May 25, 2007
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TNBC refers to any breast cancer that does not express the genes for the 3 most common breast cancers, namely, Estero gen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu. TNBC is more difficult to treat because most hormone therapies target one of the 3 receptors.

Triple-negative here hs a medical meaning. Triple-negative here does not mean an added negative to a double-negative.
Triple-negative breast cancer has a relapse pattern that is different from hormone-positive breast cancers.
by Waterbear March 5, 2019
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Bob: I just got this Breast Cancer Awareness SpongeBob Plushy.

Jeff: ok
by Your bob September 13, 2022
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a very rare yet often found big titied woman who likes the cock in her mouth or
a man or woman who you just cant get enuff cuss words in for...
good god look at that double breasted cock gobbler!

man that fucking double breasted cock gobbling bitch!
by scott doom January 2, 2010
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A covert naming convention designed to point out large breasted wome in public in the guise of bird watching.
"Looky here Cledus, me thinks I have just sited the fabled Double Breasted Matress Thrasher"!
by Bobby Brooks January 11, 2005
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Occurs during sexual intercourse, when the male's penis is at its apex of stiffness, length and girth and as far as it can go into the female's vagina, the male then sticks his finger into the female's asshole. Hence, The Half Slab, Combo Chicken Breast.
Male - Whispers in the female's ear "That's the Full Slab" And sticks his finger into her asshole.

Female - Replies in reaction to the gesture. "No, that's the Half Slab, Combo Chicken Breast."
by Great Santini December 29, 2011
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