this chick was so kind, she enduldged my plushy fanatsy by letting me fuck her while we both wore gorilla suits!
by chibbity December 8, 2004
by southsude13 August 6, 2010
by Anima May 23, 2003
Pronunciation: \ˈplə-shē\
Function: adjective
1. Term to describe stuffed animals having the texture of/or covered with plush
2. Intellectual term created by a PBMS female eighth grader, to describe one with an innocent personality comparable of a child.
Typical attributes of a plushie mainly consist of; child-like features, a disarming exterior, an optimistic view/innocent view of the enviroment/world surrounding them, and a weekly attendance to their religious building of worship. (churches, mosques, synagogues, etc.)
Sadly, another typical aspect of a plushie is their feminine majority. Unfortunately, there are few boy-plushie's in the world.
Function: adjective
1. Term to describe stuffed animals having the texture of/or covered with plush
2. Intellectual term created by a PBMS female eighth grader, to describe one with an innocent personality comparable of a child.
Typical attributes of a plushie mainly consist of; child-like features, a disarming exterior, an optimistic view/innocent view of the enviroment/world surrounding them, and a weekly attendance to their religious building of worship. (churches, mosques, synagogues, etc.)
Sadly, another typical aspect of a plushie is their feminine majority. Unfortunately, there are few boy-plushie's in the world.
by AnisaXD April 12, 2010
1: A plushie is someone with an interest in stuffed animals. In some cases, this is manifested in a sexual attraction, although this is more the exception to the norm.
2: A stuffed character
2: A stuffed character
Plushies are weird.
by snu June 14, 2004
A diminutive term for a stuffed toy. If you don't want to sound like a teenage girl, you ought to use the word "plush" instead.
by Menchi May 2, 2004
"Plushie" generally refers to a stuffed toy or character, usually given to children to snuggle and enjoy. More recently, the term has come to symbolize adults with affinities to stuffed animal-characters (such as Tails in my case) whom relate the affection of the plushie to a loving and caring individual.
"My daughter has a thousand plushies in her bedroom..."
"That plushie is locked in his room making love to a stuffed Tails..."
"That plushie is locked in his room making love to a stuffed Tails..."
by Roach August 16, 2004