an absolute nigga who needs a shower. a complete bellend that's smothered with smegma. a critical mental patient who needs to be put down for the great good. josh turner is a loser
by pissy68ape November 26, 2021
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Every electronics lab task, no matter how small, will always eat up an entire day.
"It's 7:00 and we only just managed to solder the new diode on this device."
"Classic case of Turner's Law."
by nujuat February 13, 2021
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A pussy that will run that cox sucker of his to anyone but can not back it up if u meet a jamian in ur life time just know he will touch ur butt and will call his grandma before u get to scrap with him jamian is the number 1 vagina of adams county
Stay away from pussy asses named jamian turner
by DANI the stain January 17, 2022
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A great good looking animal great at any games can take ur Mrs and anything u own u should be scared damn hes such a korey turner
Damn he's such a korey turner
by Damn 123 December 24, 2019
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Someone who rolls Canabis joints without enough tobacco inside it. Usually Turner tobacco a really harsh tobacco
Hey At least you didn’t smoke Abdul’s Tina turner spliff
by Smokeyeastwood March 22, 2018
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Much like the Masai Giraffe, Mia Turner is spotted, lengthy, and shits standing standing up.

Her companion, Peter Sarris, and her. Sit down for dinner every night and partake in a meal of shit served with a large side of chipolte ranch.

Mia Turner is so weird. She literally eats fucking pickles dipped in chipolte ranch.

She pleases her self with a boy toy named Colin who has to be the most ugly mf on this planet. She preformed oral sex on him in a class room during a basketball game at Blue Valley West High School.
Person: “hi Mia
Mia: “hi”
*mia walks away*
Person to friend: “god damn I hate that bitch Mia Turner”
by Cockfighter101 February 24, 2022
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A short stumpy guy who thinks he can get away with being a massive wad of goose fat when in reality he’s got major dandruff
Bradlee turner is fat
by vagazzile2892 October 27, 2021
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