Life's too painful to describe. Sorry folks :(
You live... You die... THE END.
That's Life
by Stephan J. August 18, 2014
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Joe: "Yo bob, how's life?"
Bob: "..."
Joe: "how's bacon?"
Bob: "Oh, life's great man. it's all about bacon!"
by Uzer July 5, 2011
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An unfortunate lapse between nonexistence and death.
Why go to hell? If you really want to suffer, come back to life...
by thatrand0mp1nappl3 January 10, 2011
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Life is the experience or state of being alive, it also can go by the name of evak.
Evak or life has its ups and downs but if you took it slowly, minute for minute, then it might work out just the best for you.
My life has no meaning without SKAM

My evak keeps on getting better day by day

Evak is beautiful
by kaisoolovechild December 17, 2016
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A way to reinforce the importance of a statement.
I'm so high man, in life.
by kaina December 15, 2004
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When you lose your breath, and revel in it.
There are moments... that are life.
by pseudonym1453 October 17, 2009
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