Face red and words spelt wrong. The Phillip Effect is when you get to tilted from a video game that you lose all english ability. You begin stuttering on your words and making a general arse of yourself.
Person 1: I frokcin hete u
Person 2: Shit, The Phillip Effect in it's finest
Person 2: This guys gone full dyslexic
by EllisMills May 20, 2018
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Like a Phillip Deus.
by ThatAsianBoii January 9, 2011
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the most amazing and mysterious persons of this motherfucking planet. everyone who knows phillip w. is either an alcoholic or the happiest person of all happy persons.

phillip w.'s are


-pretty as fuck
-in love with beer
-and a really great friend and lover
Omg, he's literally a Phillip W.!

Pers. 1: hey, you look great today!
Pers. 2: ohmagawd thank you, you're so phillip w.!
by reallyhothotpie March 19, 2017
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A person, probably a bit older, who is casually racist and doesn't even realize it.
Jeez, can you believe he called that Asian lady and Oriental? What a Pat Phillips.
by Krav Maga Karate Snack January 13, 2020
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When someone has explosive diarrhea at Pizza Hut and shits all over the toilet seat.
I was going to use the bathroom, but someone Phillip Phillips'd the hell out of that bathroom.
by Phillips Phillip June 3, 2019
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The best person you will meet, and is a great person that loves video games and art. He is a great boyfriend and will comfort you when you need it. If you have a friend named Ryder p Blue you are very lucky.
Im friends with Ryder Phillip Blue
by Ryder. March 24, 2023
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