Biggest nonce about, might as well call him John Geoghan
Oli Greene gave Ruby Spooner fanny flutters
by L.brabrook September 23, 2019
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An indeterminate unit of measurement that is not known whether it is positive or negative. Based on the notion of a parent abandoning a child, the child could have benefitted from the parent being around or could have been more harmed by the parent being a shitbag.
tonight I will be reviewing Clan MacGregor Scotch. This is a nice green plastic 1.75L bottle with a handy handle cutout and a beautiful black and gold label. Sipped straight it burns like the morning after good Mexican food, but mixed with ice and some water its a refreshing beverage fit for everyday. I could go on more but I'll just give this 2.3 Ronald Greens and that should tell you everything you need to know.
by Earl Waschnuski February 20, 2021
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When you receive a blow job and it causes the woman to throw up onto your cock and balls, it is called a "Green Tip."
This girl couldn't handle my massive richard and made me green tip
by greentipgoblin June 1, 2021
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A specific shade of green trademarked by user “hanasnx” on tumblr (#003b3a)
your friend may ask: “what is your favorite color
your response will be: “oh! it’s indy green!”
by swiftiesstars August 4, 2023
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when your about to have sex and usually the woman will give a signal typically with their eyes and facial expression signalling her consent
Girl: *closes eyes slowly*
(or pulls any expression giving an obvious consent face)
Guy:'was that it, was that the green light, am i good to go?!'
by that aussie October 30, 2021
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When one consumes too much monster nitrous, often resulting in too much energy and outbursts of creativity.
Bro: Dude I worked a double over time last night
Dude: Bro, wow how'd you pull that off?
Bro: Dude I was riding the green dragon all night.
by Northeastern Protech June 6, 2011
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