This is when someone attempts to make a booty call, but overdoes it by calling too often on the same night.
That girl did a stalker booty call yesterday, she must have called me like 13 times.
by TheBelgian September 3, 2012
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A female with a perfect butt in one's own opinion.
Guy1: Hey! Hey dawg! Man look at her!

Guy2: Where!? ... Lawd have mercy!
Guy1: That Booty hung rite!
by TRob81 July 2, 2019
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When you get kicked from something/ gettin raped in the butt
Yo i kick my boi out of the xbox party so he was sent to the booty realm
by Lilchaos December 30, 2017
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An amazing place where we bully each other but in a nice way and Eli and Cloud are our parents.
It has a lot of history and chaotic people but we somehow grt along.
You can only be on it if you are one of Eli’s kids or married to him.
Ali: “hey are you on the bootiful family group chat?”

Person: “no I’m-”

Ali: “ELI!”

Eli: “hello.”

Ali: “Eli, please kindly adopt this person.”

Eli: “alright. You’re my child now.”

Person: “oh- okay”

That person can now be on the bootiful family group chat. Hooray!
by Eldritch Fridge January 2, 2023
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