a retarded persons way of trying to spell this word (your that person, get of the internet and go learn basic spelling
rick: hey john, do you have a potatoe in this garden
john: potato*
rick: oh yeah sorry autocorrect
john: rick, your standing next to me
rick:*shuffles over to the potatoe*
john: hey, give that back
rick: youll never catch me alive
john: come back rock
rick: my names rick
john: oh sorry autocor- * yeets the fucking rock at ricks head*
by Naliak July 19, 2019
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Luigi’s dash attack in the Super Smash Bros. series.
Dude! The potato chuckle is fucking busted! Luigi is OP!
by Bytewizerd June 30, 2018
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V. The act of firing or aiming very horribly and almost too suckish to describe. Usually applies to FPS games like Rainbow Six Siege.
Joel: "Why are you shooting the wall behind him Josh?! Oh my god you have potato aim!!"
by Biodamaged September 2, 2016
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A name often called to Germany by Romano. But then again he calls every one a bastard, but potato bastard is commonly said to Germany.
"Germany! You potato bastard! You look like you have a moustache!!"-Romano
"But to me it looks like YOU have moustache."-Germany
"Gaah, shutup you potato bastard!!"
by Roderich Edelstein November 25, 2015
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Small bikini-type underwear, or a thong, for well endowed men. Similar to a banana hammock, but bigger
He could barely stuff his junk into that potato wagon
by Miss Sara and Godfrey January 21, 2019
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Someone might say this when you’re playing a first person shooter and when you try to kill someone you miss every shot.
*playing call of duty*
“To your right!”
*turns to their right and misses every shot*
“You potatoed!!!”
by iPlayyz November 7, 2017
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