(Noun) Oysters that are almost sure to get someone sick. Given that Nebraska is far from the ocean it’s difficult to get fresh oysters making bacteria common.
Seth couldn’t make it tonight because he wasn’t feeling well. I think it was those Nebraska Oysters he ate yesterday.
by Wallacé May 16, 2023
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So you' re doing a few lines of peruvian flake, bolivian baking soda, cuban cocaine, which still just cocaine, and you frantically reach for a tissue, blow your nose and half the 8ball is gleaming back at you from inside the biological weapon of snot you just produced....well congratulations, you hold in your hand some grade - A - Rocky Mountain Oyster
'alright bro, gonna whip up a quick batch of rocky mountain oysters in your bathroom sink, and then lets finish this ball. I'n Dr. Rockzo and I love, c-c-cocaine.'
by acidhead420 September 13, 2023
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It’s 3am. All the dives are closed. You’re trying to hit the bodega to grab some brews. In the distance, you see her. A solid 5 is dressed in some fishnets and bad ideas. You take her home. Smash. Later, after a pump and dump, she peels her clam apart. That sticky noise? That’s the oyster parlor.
“Bruh last night, that girl? Smashed. But now all I can think about is the after party, her oyster parlor.”
by Prehistoric Slut November 5, 2022
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(slang) Typically used when talking about Psychedelic Mushrooms hitting really hard, or either looking to take a strong trip on Mushrooms.
Friend 1: "Last night we were everything everywhere!"

Friend 2: "Dayum broski we were certainly on another quest for the Mysterious Oysters!"
by 13AquaOrbit January 26, 2023
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“Yo, my man Lewis tossed some straight oyster yesterday at the party”
What a savage, I wish I could Toss Oyster
by BroncoBuster January 14, 2020
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To be sneakily poked with a persons extended moist tongue.
While partaking in a netflix and chill sesh, my boyfriend oystered me.
by heiney89 February 15, 2017
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A word Anix used in his video ‘I built a house in 30 minutes (Bloxburg)’ The term was used as he colored his walls oyster
The Canadian man oysterized the walls of his home”
by JustBloxburg December 20, 2020
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