Basically an absolute unit is often used to describe someone who is larger but in the case of the Irish that’s not what it means. An absolute unit is just an idiot or someone who lets a lot get in the way of them.
Ayo, you’re an absolute unit you are mun
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Norman was an absolute gronk for hoarding all the idlis
by YaboyPK123 July 8, 2023
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an ‘absolute fucking dickhead’ is someone who is an absolute fucking dickhead.

e.g - tianna
look over there! its an absolute fucking dick head
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used to refer to ass crack.

y = log(|x|) looks like an ass crack
Damn, check out that absolute value log function

Look at the vertical asymptote on that
by KLV32W512D January 24, 2022
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The funny waluigi and wario phrase. except absolute wah means very based

(waddle dee reference)
person: look!!! see that goomba
person 2: yesh. what about it??? (yesh intentional)
person: it is an absolute wah
by sh1dandp1zz May 12, 2022
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