The action of posing like a Ho
Person: "Should I stick out my butt and my tongue for this picture?"
Friend: "That would be Hosing"
by Mikinyuu December 21, 2016
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Once a hose beast has sucked over a thousand dicks she graduates to a hose dragon
"So have you heard that Sara has graduated to hose dragon"
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When you ejaculate while your penis is not erect causing the penis to flop around like a fire hose that someone let go of.
Guy1: Did you see Katy last night?
Guy2: Yeah, she looked so hot I fire-hosed in my pants!
by thefireman May 2, 2015
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When a firefighter is so tired of dragging hose he has to be dragged instead, due to lack of sleep from working another 48 hour shift.
Yo dude you look like you got hose dragged after that fire. You good man?
by Axeman51 September 27, 2018
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Something two idiots argue over.
The guy and his brother in law were laying in the grass like two rotten pieces of Swiss cheese after their argument over the garden hose and the shooting that followed. It turned out they were both right about each other, and tomorrow didn't need either one of them any more than today did.
by The Original Agahnim September 10, 2021
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Anybody that would shoot somebody over an argument about a garden hose, male or female, in law or outlaw, isn't somebody that is going to live and let live.
No matter how ugly the argument gets, anybody willing to shoot somebody over a garden hose is a little too cranky to be armed, because that is an act of lunacy.
by The Original Agahnim September 26, 2021
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Anyone that would shoot somebody over a garden hose is a luttle too silly to have a gun.
I shot the guy who was going to shoot me over the garden hose before he could do it because I knew he wasn't right in the head, which is a good reason.
by The Original Agahnim November 15, 2021
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