To slam 5 Bahama Mamas and get kicked out of a Starbucks
Hey man! Ill take a Hilton Head Special!
by davyjones01 October 29, 2018
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jonny: hey did ya see da simple life last night?

alex: yeah paris hilton wuz so funny remember "wait wats walmart... is it like stuff for walls." lol
by hottguysluver November 26, 2007
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When a chick is laying on her back on the bed with her legs stretch out as far as they can stretch them.

A sexual postion Nume 96.
by John Huchmendala February 12, 2009
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only the best role model ever
1. singer
2. model
3. actress
4. author
5. rich
6. pretty
7. famous
8. philanthropist

you put that on your resume and then you can talk.
i want to grow up to be just like paris hilton
by ilove April 20, 2008
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one who fights against paris hilton and her drones
If we had an anti-paris hilton, then we can live on without bein told how to dress.
by jamalkeys January 3, 2009
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A beautiful, kind and talented young woman who is hated, and essentially bullied, by billions of people across the world for no good reason.

The main reason people hate her is because they think that she is famous because her dad owns a huge amount of money. This is not true. She slowly worked her way up to the top by showing up at parties, modelling shows, events and basically being an 'it-girl', which is how a lot more celebrities actually became celebrities than most people know.

THEN she started her acting career, singing career, modelling career etc.

So think before you bitch about her. Barely anyone knows even a slightest grain of truth about her and just believes what they hear, see or read in the tabloids. If, for example, a new girl arrived at your school and someone told you she was a slut, would you go round slagging her off like there's no tomorrow? I don't think so. So why would you do that with Paris Hilton? Wait until she's actually harmed or offended you before you hate her.

Remember, Paris - there are loads of people in the world who would kill to see you fall, so only listen to those who know the real you and not just what Perez Hilton has put on his bitchsite. (Seriously, that guy is gonna really hurt someone's feelings someday)

Woman 1: I'm gonna name my kid Paris.
Woman 2: Awww what a cute name! Maybe she'll even turn out like Paris Hilton!
Woman 1: I'm not sure anyone could be THAT nice. I mean, I can't do miracles, can I? Maybe Richard and Kathy Hilton are Gods in disguise ...
Woman 3: Oh my God, you're gonna name your after that sex tape-making bitch?
Woman 1 + 2: Hey! Rick Solomon filmed that without her knowing. She was furious when she found out. Do you really think someone that nice would allow that to happen if she knew about it at the time?
Woman 3: True, true, true ...
Woman 1 + 2 + 3: WE LOVE YOU PARIS!!!!!
by Number 1 Paris Hilton Fan March 12, 2008
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Greatest person alive. Beautiful, friendly, caring, and very loving. Shes sweet to everyone and is very smart. She writes books, sings, acts, and models. All guys love her and all girls want to be her. Shes a lucky girl for what she has but also cares for the less fortunate.
(Girl) "Paris Hilton is so amazing"

(Boy) : "I know shes so hot too!"
by wommbo January 16, 2010
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