a word used to make you feel validated and to frick the frick out of every fricken thing you can possibly frick. Also used as a cleaner replacement for fuck.
Fricking fricking frick. So much frick.”
“I know, right? Frick!”
by StarsAndSmoke101 November 10, 2018
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A replacement for Fuck. Used in any context fuck is used in: 1,Anger 2,excitement/happiness 3,intercourse 4,sadness
1:Frick You 2:Frick Yeah! 3:Oh Yeah Frick me harder 4: oh friiiiick man that sucks
by Urban_Dictionaryer_377 October 26, 2019
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A way to swear without using a real swear word, often used instead of fuck
Often used on christian minecraft servers
by frickmaster January 23, 2020
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kindergarteners version of the word fuck.
Billy: Frick you Emily

Emily: ooh you said a bad word
by Thesqueakerkid July 13, 2020
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A word often used by Fortniters when they die in Fortnite
by Ok so basically October 18, 2018
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