That movie was the bomb
Jack- that movie was so good.

Ethan- I know right it was the bomb.
by Imnotthatdumb August 23, 2020
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Awesome, great, impactful smell, or failure.
Your dad is the bomb! or Your sister gave me bomb ass head! or Ew! He just laid a bomb! or Damn, I just bombed the test.
by RollBawls July 8, 2015
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When someone by the name of Brady smacks the shit out of someone and there name is Luke with a big ass forehead
You just got Brady bombed
by Kin Jon un April 16, 2020
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A drink including 1 handle of Orloff, 30 ice cold stones, a jug of lemonade powder, and ice.
Damn, that kid just got transported? He looked like he had a Carilli Bomb.

Yeah! He just got Carilli Bombed! Let's hope he doesn't choke on his puke now...
by EnnGee May 26, 2011
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And that’s why I love you and what you do because you’re the good one and me? I’m also the good one. We’re both the good ones. You’re a master of what you do because it make it look like my ideas are being opposed without me being exposed as a charlatan. It lends to my credibility in spite of the fact that what you’re saying is critical”
Hym “That’s what a Narcissist does. Love-bombing. He’s a narcissist. Just ask Teal Swan (who is NOTa cult leader and is an absolute gem... maybe... possibly not. I don’t really know). Narcissist. And he has a frowny-face about the A.I. thing because the thing I said might actually work because I’M THE THING I SAY I AM. A Genius. Hurray me!”
by Hym Iam November 26, 2022
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