Having such amazing haxor skillz that you can make your runescape characters actually rape other characters in the middle of a path, out in a forest, or taken to a place where there is a bed, while the only thing the can do about it is watch and maybe scream profanity at their computer screen. It gives it more effect if you are wearing a Santa suit.

The character being raped does not have to be a female, it can also be a male. And the runescape rapist can also be a female.

After the raping takes place, the raper, then automatically gets everything in the others bank and inventory, space is not an obstacle for them, because they have such amazing skills that they have already hacked the space limits.

The raped character, also has all of its clothes taken away, and it has to walk around naked until it can go to a clothes shop and but some. Which will be difficult because all of their money is gone.
Dude 1: hey i was playing runescape the other day and someone with mad skills took my character into the Blue Moon Lodge against my will and I had to watch as my character was Runescape Raped up the ass. There was nothing I could do!

Dude 2: Dude that sucks! Runescape Rape is horrible!

Dude 1: I know. My inventory was all empty, and then when i went to check my bank, everything was gone too. And on top of that, I WAS NAKED!! D=
by Mirany March 8, 2009
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When receiving a blowjob while playing runescape.
Cody: Hey John, Robert said he'll give me, you, and Tyler a blowjob while we play Runescape!

John: You mean a Runescape Special?!

Cody: Hell yeah!
by Martyr The June 25, 2010
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Runescape fat is the amount of weight accumulated whilst playing (and in some cases even watching) Runescape The massive online adventure game by Jagex ltd.
Once Runescape fat is gained it can never be removed, weight-loss diets and regular exercise have been proven ineffective.
The Runescape Fat formula per Kg is: (‘RS’ hours {over} body Metabolism) X 3.14
Robbie- Hey Jake, have you seen Sam lately?
Jake- Yeah, he’s like a walking slab of lard
Robbie- No, it’s just Runescape fat
Jake- I don’t think he’s heart could take anymore Runescape.
Robbie- Anymore and he will end up in Lumbridge eh?
Jake- Faggots *Walks off*
by hcrismawson96 March 14, 2009
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A game that everybody oddly thinks is better then World of Warcraft... I'm not sure how you would even relate the two games, runescape is a flash game and world of warcraft is well... a giant MMORPG made by a professional company.
World of Warcraft player: Hey, do you play world of warcraft?

Runescape player: Ha, noob I play runescape, World of Warcraft sucks!

World of Warcraft player: Were you dropped on your head as a child?
by Wanna-be Anon? April 26, 2009
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Runescape is an addicting MMORPG that is hard to cheat in. The most common way is by macroing, which is using software to complete automated tasks. Runescape's "random" system makes this difficult, but advances in macroing software like Scar are constantly making adjustments to win at the game. You should NEVER believe anyone who is professing that he or she can manipulate your in-game gold amount, items, or levels. That is close to impossible. Scammers use this method to gain your password.
The only true way to Runescape Cheating is through Scar.
by WhoCares357 September 23, 2007
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When you're addicted to runescape
How do you know when your addicted to runescape? when a friend asks you to help them in a fight at school and you ask if its in multi.

Last night john briones got sent to prison because of his runescape addiction
by Nerve2kill October 2, 2009
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Commonly used to diss a person who plays runescape (A game)
Used to name this person a nerd of this game.

Runescape - MMORPG Very addictive 3D Online Game
(Defnition of runescape)
Jason: William is such a runescape nerd
Chris: Yeah dood he plays so much its not funny
William:Whaat? Whack i hit 12 with rune scimmy u die
by Jas dawgy November 16, 2006
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