When one attempts to finger a Woman who, unknowingly begins her period so when you remove your fingers it looks like you dipped them in ketchup.
Man I was with my girl last night and she gave me a bad case of ketchup fingers.
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Menstration blood, found on surfaces other than underwear.
I took Sylvia home last night, and she left me a nice patch of cajun ketchup on my bed.
by TheRealSoap March 17, 2014
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The slit you make in a hotdog before microwaving it to make sure it doesn't explode
*microwave goes POP really loud*

Guy: "man, you didn't make a ketchup trench. Go clean out my fucking microwave"
by poopbucketburgle January 31, 2011
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When yours banging a girl that is on her period and has a yeast infection
I was banging the hell out of Kelly lastnight! She had a yeast inflection and was on her period. My dick looked like a corndog with ketchup.
by Snapper2k1 December 3, 2021
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Another term for the female flower part. Some people might call it a meat waffle, vagina or moinch wallet
Littl billy: What's that between your legs mummy?
Mummy: that my Ketchup slipper you stupid twat.
by Moinch Man February 23, 2018
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