The fear of wasting craftable bullets in a video game.
player 1: Should i waste my silver bullets on this tough enemy or stick it out and use musket bullets? I CAN'T DECIDE.

player 2: i think player 1 has ammo anxiety.
by Qwello May 16, 2020
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When someone, specifically someone who likes/wants/has printers, wants to have anxiety but ultimately fails.
That girl just had an anxiety failure last night.
by MerBudd January 21, 2022
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The 1:1 relationship between the complex numbers wave-function collapses in the triene-function and the internal corners of the hypermodular Fauvic point.

The fear a woman had that her son will become a property owner.

The lines running between the wave-function collapses and the Fauvic corners are black.
Female anxiety is a mother's sexual fear about son.

The son will experience this anxiety as scarcity-in-a-supply-chain rather than competition in the mode-of-patriarchy.
by flightfacilities May 13, 2022
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A reasonable affliction for Trump, now that Steve Bannon, the mastermind behind his very existence in the White House, has reason to talk, having been arrested on fraud charges last week.
Three AM, alone in bed, seeing the unshaven face of his former handler on Fox, in handcuffs!, Trump knew that in a plea deal everything could come out. He was in the grip of aBannonment anxiety, and wondering who would be next? His sister???
by Monkey's Dad August 24, 2020
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When you look at a little kid and start thinking how you would end up as a dad. You start thinking if you're going to be a cool or a boring dad. Or will you be capable of being a dad??? It's a thought which fill questions in your head.
*Looks at a baby*
Guy: "Man, imagine me being a dad; that would be so cool. Or not. Oh Boy, oh I'll be the worst dad on Earth!!!!!"
Guy 2: "Dude, you're just getting Dad Anxiety. Calm Down,"
by Athuguy January 30, 2023
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Reluctancy to enter your kitchen at uni in case of running into your flatmates.
“I need to make dinner but Ben is in the kitchen right now, my kitchen anxiety is through the roof
by Angry.Potato February 9, 2023
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The anxious feeling you get when you should be working and online but are in fact not actively working, namely that someone might be trying to reach you via Slack and you will be unable to respond to them or provide what they need in that moment. Which, of course, will immediately get you fired.

Common symptoms: Ghost phone vibration, thinking you heard a slack ping, etc
I have Slack Separation Anxiety so I don't stray too far from my laptop during the day.
by Corporate Millennial June 15, 2023
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