Putting the boots to a slacker. As in John Gosselin.
I didn't take out the garbage, and my wife really went Kate on my ass.
by West side skid July 15, 2009
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A term used when something expires, dies, stops working, quits, breaks down. People from other countries look stupefied and wonder where "it" went when used in context by an American.
Bill: What happened to your lawn mower?

Mike: It went up on me last week!

Bill: I guess you have to go out and buy another one!
by habbie September 22, 2010
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A place where a husband or wife sleeps when something isnt right in the relatonship .or they are drunk and get kicked out bed.
girl-where is mom?

boy-she is sleeping

girl- did she go to couch?

boy-yeah she went to couch about a hour ago. .
by troubledemon March 28, 2009
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To attack, beat or shake someone or something smaller and or weaker than you for interrupting your gaming session.
My cat jumped in my lap during a raid so I went FarmVille on his ass.
by thepiercedweirdo October 31, 2010
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aberrant behavior -human behavior of a less-than-"civilized" (or "sane") nature! -supreme 'stink-upon' of another/other being/s!
joe stack went wild, got in his plane and crashed into the I.R.S. building; showing them all a lesson!
the abortion non-believer went wild, and shot that bastard doctor!
the va tech shooter went wild with his armament! -some MORE 'blue ball' casualties!
by michael foolsley February 20, 2010
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Used when something got thrown away/forgotten. Can be used about objects or ideas/morals
Person 1: so much for saying masturbating an animal was wrong
Person 2: (Looking at gerbil lying in it's own cum) yeah... that went to the dogs didn't it
by name name April 17, 2006
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To respond by losing one's sense of perspective and becoming agitated in the extreme.

Possibly borrowed from meteorology. A cellular storm "goes linear" when it turns into more of a squall line (or merges with an existing storm) -- i.e., that it's going to turn into a big black line of death. (from stormtrack.org).

I have a sense that there should also be a nuclear physics metaphor, but I don't know it.
My boss went linear when I showed him my expense report.
by jfkelley October 12, 2009
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