Mokuhl Sylvustha Gahdenziuh Stuhlorn; famoos actner, directah, fimmaker an shit. He muh rehne mooha bawonuh mewa moo meh. Mos renun for his rowe ehmana movies Rommy Barboa an Juhn Rambo
Did you see the movie "The Expendables?" It had Sylvester Stallone in it!

God, I can barely understand Sylvester Stallone when he talks, it's like trying to hear a New Yorker talk with an uncooked potato shoved in his massive mouth.

Interviewer: "So Mr. Stallone, what do you like doing in your free time?"

Sylvester: "Wehl, when ah roowy wink amun it, I foon marself moha junoso munuh, mespooshally quantum biomechanics".
by IsraelHands09 September 10, 2011
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When someone traps their residence in such a way that it resembles the infamous house in Home Alone, however the mostly harmless traps are replaced with vietnam grade war crimes of traps that cause horrible agony and/or death, similar to those seen in Rambo, a character played by sylvester stallone.
Johnny got swated, but he had Home Stalloned his house so they never made it past the first floor. He's now going to jail for multiple homicides
by SnorterOfSocrates December 10, 2019
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When you invite two hookers or call-girls over your house for the evening. You then have the women stand on a glass table while you lay beneath the table, looking up. You then proceed to have the women shit on the tabletop while you watch for your enjoyment.
Pete invited two girls over to perform a Sly Stallone for him. He then told them he already ate dinner and had them leave.
by 69BriGuy69 March 5, 2009
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Sylvester Stallone (Born Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone; July 6, 1946) is John Rambo.

He's also Rocky Balboa.

Fun facts about Stallone:

-Despite being an old man himself, Stallone still has a living parent as of this writing; Jacqueline Frances Labofish Stallone (Born November 30, 1921)
-Stallone is a huge supporter of gun control, despite the fact that...he's Rambo. Duh.

-His somewhat deformed face stems from many complications during his birth.
Sylvester Stallone is badass
by Someone who kinda exists July 14, 2020
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When a guy slaps his (non-shaved) balls against a woman's chin repeatedly, like her chin is practicing on a punching bag
"She went to suck on my 'nads but I gave her a Bearded Stallone instead. Her chin was all Rocky Balboa!"
by Wife Training & Future Pat April 14, 2009
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sylvester stallone has anal and penetrative sex with his blood relations
When a sylvester stallone has an intimate relation ship with his family members , '' oh hes only gone and turned incester stallone on me''
by sean jay November 6, 2013