Short Guys who only like or are attrached to very tall girls 6foot plus....Guys who only date tall girls.....Guys who are sexually aroused by very tall women....Guys who like girls taller than them....
Damn , that dude is Sasquatching !!! Hes 5'3" and shes at least 6'5" !!!!

If you have to jump to give your girl a kiss , your Sasquatching Bro !!!!!
by Heyman3000 March 7, 2010
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A middle-aged, hairy man who dwells in public pool locker rooms. Almost always naked, they will traumatize unsespecting pool goers for hours.
Dude! Did you see that Sasquatch in there?
Yeah, now I have to go back to therapy.
by _Jay_ June 22, 2006
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The act of being fully nude and moving from your room to the bathroom in the middle of the night despite having roommates that will potentially see you.
“I got home late last night and saw Breandan Sasquatching back to his room. Couldn’t really make much out though since it was too dark.”
by Gigglefister February 23, 2020
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A nickname for Sam Winchester. Or, a tall hairy being that Sam Winchester is mistaken for.
1) Dean: All right, time for bed. Come on, Sasquatch.
2) Gabriel: Finally, a real sasquatch caught on film! W-wait a second....false alarm, it's just Sam.
by DESTIELFTW000 March 18, 2019
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When you take a shit and shave your balls then leave it for your friend to find it.
Can I use the bathroom?”

“Yeah , Sorry about the Sasquatch”- Matty
by Damusiczar January 15, 2021
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A crabby old homeless woman who lives in Chicago and main food is berries. Its main hobbies include burning down apartments and making sure that other sasquatches don't steal her berries.
"Dude did you see the sasquatch with all those berries?"
"yeah she burnt down my home"
by Yetiman October 7, 2007
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A hairy female who is notorious for smelling like uncooked pastrami. This creature believes that by bleaching its large thatches of facial hair it can pass somewhat as human. Has an irritating high pitch voice and has a slight gimp fromn having wild snoo snoo with wild gorillas.
"Damn! Lisa's is one smelly sasquatch."
by Paul January 11, 2004
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