The state of projecting unwarranted arrogance and false superiority
It's a busy Saturday afternoon, and that self-impressed wanker just parked his oh-so-important car across two parking spaces.
by FeO2 October 11, 2012
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When one is so inclined as to take a dump, add it to a long tube sock, then add a lock. You then smack your victim accross the face with it.
I didn't want to give the shitty impression, but how else could I break his jaw and smear shit on him at the same time?
by GraFfiX420 April 11, 2009
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A person who farms impressions on social media. They usually just post for likes. This is to make them bigger than they actually are.
Malachi is such an impression farmer, all he does is tweet for likes.
by LargeYak March 25, 2021
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The impression that you get from someone before you actually meet them, including impressions made by clothes, style, and rumors.
Bob: From what she was wearing and what I heard about her, the zeroth impression I got was that she was a slut. But when I met her she seemed really nice.
by darkshaddow42 June 9, 2010
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what everyone in the world is all the time.

everybody thinks they're the most special thing on this earth not yet discovered, so therefore they spend their self-impressed lives doing nothing but blaming others. and even when people are famous, the credit they get goes straight to their heads and then they act pretentious and self-impressed all the time, yes everybody.
you're so damn self-impressed by everything you do that i need no other reason to hate you and all that you might have been. show a little humility next time, sucker.
by danny kryski April 19, 2008
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Mr Impressions is a comedian, impressionist, analyst, anime and comic expert on the show Dream Fights! Imagine if Whiz from ScrewAttack was black, southern, and objective. Creator of "Racist Batman."
Mr Impressions is a hateful bastard for inventing Racist Batman!
by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016
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the first impression is basically a thumb print (using your thumb to massage/penetrate a woman's anus) with a little spice added, stealthily slipping an ecstasy tab in with the thumb, to increase the sexual experience for the woman
"Damn Brian, that sex was amazing, thanks for that First Impression"
by buddah April 18, 2006
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