24 definitions by Lil' Taste
A girl whos armpits reak like a fat construction worker's, and her breath will make you vomit. When she opens her mouth to talk, it likes a dragon burning crops with fire. And when she moves her arms, its like a dragon's wings causing everything nearby to wilt and die from the stench.
From far away, Mary is hot as hell. But she nearly knocked me out when I got within 5 feet of her. That bitch is a dragon!
by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016
A fanatic fanboy or fangirl for Superman who is easily triggered, fills up YouTube video comments, and will walk out of a movie theater if Batman taps that ass. Not the normal superman fan, but a fanatic.
by Lil' Taste October 27, 2016
A fanboy for Superman who throws temper tantrums, goes into asperger mode, and loses all sanity if Superman loses anything. They literally said what DC Comics or the writers say don't mean shit, because what they as the fans say is solid canon.
Peter's having a nervous breakdown in the corner because Batman beat Superman. It's just a damn comic, superfag!
by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016
The richest Youtubers try to appeal mostly to female viewers, because there's more pink money than blue money.
by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016
A Na Na is a loud mouth, know-it-all, hateful big sister who scares you, screams when you enter her room, slaps you upside the head, makes fun of your ugly girlfriend, and makes the best food when she's pissed.
You've pranked me, slapped me, told everyone about my bald girlfriend! You're no sister, you're a real Na Na!!!
by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016
by Lil' Taste October 27, 2016
Rap music that is softer, has lyrics more about dealing with feelings and sad situations, and more of a high pitch tempo beats. The rappers usually have high or squeaky voices too. Usually, this becomes the most popular rap songs on the radio because of the bigger female audience.
by Lil' Taste October 27, 2016