The opposite of a Wigger; A Black exterior but white interior; A person of African American decient pretending to be white.

That kid in my class Will is such a Nacker, he's black but listens exclusivley to Country and Rock n' Roll.
by Nic A M October 5, 2005
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nude, un-clothed, in your birthday suit, or just plain NAKED.
"mom, don't come in my room right now, i'm nackers"
by Kachel2 August 6, 2008
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1.Ouh Jaysis Man
2.Anytin Dats Manky
3.the travlin' persons
Mustard On A Monkeys footsez
Max Small
by mad mophead May 11, 2004
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Half nigger half cracker. Sometimes used as a nickname for a person who is of mixed species (niggers and humans). (The mother is usually white)
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Someone who is fat and ignorant. This word is often used when someone annoys you and you can't think of an insult.
Oh Henry you fat nacker, what have you done now. Why did you do that!
by Haydo Thorny April 25, 2010
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