When your girlfriend has to fake an orgasm because your sexual connection is faster than her's. Don't worry its not your fault she's just lagging.
She said she faked it because i wasn't good in bed but i think she was just lagging.
by XxOwnagexX September 8, 2009
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Taking your sweet as time. Falling behind.
Where the hell did Chad go? Oh, he's still inside, he always lags behind.
by 20seven April 25, 2011
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An online gamer's worst nightmare. It's what happens when a good player gets killed more than he's supposed to, or when a bad player gets more kills than he's supposed to. Only elitist jackasses come close to the evil known as lag.
The professional player could not headshot the newcomer very well because the newcomer was lagging.

The n00b blamed the other player for lagging when he was getting slaughtered.
by Durango September 3, 2006
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The single most powerful entity in any game that not only causes you to lose but also possesses your physical body and causes you to plunge into a feat of rage and depression. It also has similar effects to cocaine.
"Did you hear about what happened to Bob?"
"Yeah, he got killed by Lag."
by the/rapist April 21, 2017
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Taking your time to do something, usually getting ready to go out
Jeff: Just one more song bro, then I just gotta put a top on, find my keys and I'm good to go
Andrew: Quit lagging it out you wasteman
Jeff: Aight chill man, you know I'm the lagmeister what do you expect bro
by TheLagmeister3k February 8, 2017
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What people using 56K or below cause while playing a multiplayer game.
Player 1 Ping 999
Player 2: upgrade ur 14.4k lagger!!1
by SC.Zee September 25, 2003
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An occurance that happens when one or more's internet connection is slow.
This causes the person's input to be unresponsive than normal.
This causes the following symptoms:
Rage-inducing hair-loss
Smashing of computer
Extreme language
Heart attacks
Hitreg issues
Suicidal thoughts
Guy 1: I am winning!
Guy 1: Wait, that shot did not register!
Guy 1: *died*
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