during sex when a girl squirts and it gushes like a geyser :)
Susan: Ahh ahhhhh!
Bob: Damn what a vagina geyser! My whole room's wet!
by chance and conner are gay June 22, 2007
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when a woman who has just had a baby sprays breast milk at you during sex
I had mary in the missonary position last night and when I wasn't looking she gave me a White geyser right In the left eye and its making it hard to read my computer today at work.
by Frank Grimes May 30, 2005
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When you stick hot sauce packets into your girl's asshole and proceed to slap her cheeks together.
SpitDaddy38: I made a mess when I did a spicy geyser on my gf last night.
by Mr. Bonito June 30, 2019
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Shoving a water bottle, preferably crystal geyser, in a vagina and pouring the liquids out. Emptying the contents, squeezing the water out of them vagina.

*Caution: sparkling water hurts*
"Mary's pussy is so wet, I bet she crystal geysers"
by Baddabingo boy December 12, 2016
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To punch a woman,who has diarrhea, in the stomach while she is standing on her head, thus makeing her shoot poo from her anus
I punched michelle in the stomach so hard she dirty geysered all over the bedroom
by nate the snake August 27, 2012
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the splash that enters your butt due to your sphincter not being fully closed, once you drop a hefty turd
"john took a solid dump, one of the turds was so big it gave him a butt geyser"
by Vladboy11 November 20, 2011
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When you have not gone to the bathroom in a few days and really have to go and as soon as you pull down your pants your shit comes out and splatters everywhere like a geyser.
(in a public bathroom) "Woah, why is there shit all over the walls?"
"The guy who just walked out had the biggest ass geyser I've ever seen"
by SBrotato October 4, 2014
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