1) An old, old wooden ship, used in the Civil War era.

2) Variety, having many different forms of gender or ethnicity.
In addition, a lot of you have probably heard of the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the News team.
by Macier Q. Ross September 14, 2009
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It's what's killing American culture and letting Islam be taught as fact in our schools, because it's a recognition of other faiths. It lets people hang up decorations for kwanzaa (which really isn't a "holiday, it's a celebration of african harvest) but won't allow christmas trees or manger scenes shown in public, it's insulting to the immigrants and blacks. It's why santa decorations are also made to be black, despite the fact that St. Nicholas was NOT black, but it's a recognition of diversity, people. It's just as bad as cultural diffusion.
Let's destroy our traditions to appease the minorities, it's morally correct.
by Loki June 11, 2003
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I hateful and racist term drawn up by people of color which most often glorifies the absence of white people in a specific community or orgnization. It refers to the lack of white popluation as some sort of redeeming quality. Mostly it is used in the context of making a place "more diverse", literally meaning replacing or kicking out white people. Also often mentioned is "keeping a place diverse " which means keeping the white people out of an area or organization, or denying them leadership roles. The word diverse is a word glorifying the absence of white presence or white influence (especially white male influence) in a community, corporation, or organization.
I was the only white employee in an all black organization. They got rid of me in order to make the company more diverse.
by poyfectpecker May 6, 2019
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A program created by the government to help "troubled teens" who find themselves in a position to getting a charge against them. to keep them "out of the court" the kids are accepted into a diversion program. Through the whole thing, the government, the teens and the parents waste a whole lot of time and whole of tax dollars, ameliorating absolutely nothing. When getting a ticket would have been a better option in the first place.
Teen #1: Dude, did you hear? That girl told us for denting mailboxes?
Teen #2: Oh, dont worry dude, we just got diversion.
Teen#1: OHHH NOOO!

Teen #3: Duuuude, im just gonna go to court, like a smart kid.
by WithaK123 January 12, 2011
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"The word “disabilities” is associated with the past and people’s negative experiences with institutions. I am looking to change the word to “diversabilities” because these institutions are now closed and I want to focus instead on the abilities of people now and in the future. People with diversabilities do not want to be a burden to society, but instead want to be contributors and participants in society." (Shelley Decoste)
Our growing company is intentional about adding people with diversabilities to our team.
by rubyslippers June 26, 2013
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a word way to dirty to define
diverse is to dirty to difine
by StevenBOY April 9, 2007
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More Diverse
Employment in government and large corporations is diverser than ever.
by keyline February 21, 2013
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