Jason and Michelle are going to be biffs forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. :)
by TeKn1qu3z April 25, 2008
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1. To have sexual intercourses with another creature; usually human

2. To masterbate

3. To ejaculate
1. "Max biffed katie last night; its not awkward at all"

2. "I just biffed one out"

3. "Apparently billy biffed all over his face."
by Max Mather December 15, 2010
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To throw or chuck something. Phrase is local to Cape Breton Island.
Jimmy said to Johnny, “Biff that over here will ya?”
by Caper Breton Boy February 18, 2018
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a biff is a cigarette.
this is slang from Liverpool
person: give me a biff
person 2: no i dont smoke
by fat a$$$$ November 12, 2020
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To fall, very painfully.
Dude, I just biffed so f'n hard, look at my ass.
by xlxjackelxlx March 4, 2011
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best friend, generally the ultimate best friend

derived from the word bffl
Elendea is my biff, we have known each other for 6 years.
by Nicole June 15, 2006
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Hey, look at that biff over there.

My Brother is a complete biff.
by Exploding Boy February 9, 2003
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