Zaid (noun): A charismatic and irresistibly attractive man who exudes an aura of confidence and sexiness. Zaid possesses a combination of physical appeal, charm, and an undeniable magnetism that turns heads wherever he goes. His presence alone can ignite a room, leaving people captivated by his effortless coolness and seductive energy.
Person A: "Did you see that guy at the party last night? He was a total Zaid!"
Person B: "Oh yeah, I couldn't take my eyes off him! He had this natural sex appeal that was impossible to resist."
Person A: "Exactly! It's like he had this magnetic aura around him. I couldn't help but feel drawn to him."
Person B: "And his confidence! He knew he was attractive, but it wasn't arrogant. It was just... hot."
Person A: "Definitely. Zaid is the perfect word to describe him. He's the epitome of a hot, sexy man."
Person B: "No doubt about it. Every girl in the room was vying for his attention. He's just got that special something."
by AsteriskDnb May 19, 2023
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Zaid is the kind of guy who is reliable, smart, dark humoured and FUNNY. He may seem quiet and harmless but can be very dangerous…while tickled. He can be a cute bean in one moment and just straight up 👀❤️ 🔥🥵 the next. Zaid also tends to heavily share quality with a potato. Beware ;).
Zaid is the best person I know and I want to be around him always.
Zaid is someone I never want to upset.
by M tomato February 12, 2022
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Zaid is one tough nigga and he has a large wood and he has 1 girl and when he does he sticks to that girl and loves them like no other. Most of the time the girl zaid has begins with and A and his girl is kind of like him.

Everyone wants a zaid
I want a zaid, zaid is perfect
by Beidbdsisbc sidn August 5, 2019
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A Zaide is a very conceited person, who thinks they are always right. They will never admit that they are wrong and will ALWAYS fight back. People who are named Zaide are known to be quite violent, and are overly obsessed with the thought of punching someone. They are dominant males, and would never hesitate on hurting you if you do them wrong.

Zaides are known to be quite players and would most definitely break your heart.
Run away, Zaide is here.

Omg. He's such a Zaide!
by TooSm4rtF4rY4o February 1, 2020
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Zombie Aids.
Similar to the unfortunate disease, Acquired Immuno-Diffiency Syndrome, however it comes from Zombies. Which sucks.
Guy 1: So I was walking, man, and this zombie came up and totally just decked the crap out of me. I woke up in the hospital and heard I got ZAIDS.
Guy 2: That's so not sexcellent, man.
by Cerealkiller290 April 30, 2009
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A gay person who has no friends. He should live in a dumpster in an alleyway. He is also a whale. He is so stupid that he does a shiz he says "why is there rotten gravy coming out of my bum. You would ask him a question like what is the answer to 1+1 and he would have no idea. He would take things to seriously like if you said that if you dug straight down you would land in China and then he would get a shovel and start digging down.
Person 1 " I wonder if whales eat sharks?"
Person 2 " Ask zaid he would know he's a whale so he can speak whale"
by boooiiii im smart September 11, 2019
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