An abbreviation. wam stands for "Wait a mo" I use it all of the time in Instant messenger
If you are in a conversation with a friend, and you want to break the mould, saying something other then brb then wam is the word to use!
by Jaskia July 12, 2005
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he is also very greasy and loves the cock
by Anonymous May 8, 2003
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jail/prison, term used to define snack foods such as corn chips or snack cakes or cookies
whats up for today? zoom zoom's and wam wam's delivery ,cell mate, I can't wait to get my hands on those scrumptious delights.
by Thomas Watkins January 24, 2008
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The other things you get end up buying at the store when you only went to get one thing.
I sent billy to the store for milk and he came back with a bunch of zoom zooms and wam wams.
by Missy_Lanius December 17, 2020
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WAM is a short form for We All Matter.
“WAM” said the crowd
by Aa_Maldives June 2, 2020
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"We Are Money", we are a small group of people that hang out and do cool things.
WAM is getting together for movie night on Saturday
by Jason April 25, 2005
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