A Charming, usually blonde male. He loves to relate with people and is overall good in all categories, including sex.
"Vance was great last night!"
"Vance was really nice."
by Eleman7630 November 1, 2017
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A reverse boner, your penis goes back up into your body.
Dude, that girl was so ugly, that she gave me a vance.
by TheShogunDude October 5, 2012
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When some takes way too long to get something done. Also known as "Barry Whiting"
How long does it take to wash a car? He has been doing it for 3 hours. He is Vancing it!!

Man he is making love to that car, it's cool...he is Barry Whiting it!!
by chrismac1981 June 17, 2011
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vance is a rich boy who is always flashing his ass. all he wants is a girls big booty, so he can shove his 1 incher in it. His mom is also very hot.
by yermasaur October 9, 2019
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a slang term for a penis, usually used to insult somebody.
Dude your vance is out! God you're such a vance.
by The P. Master April 18, 2010
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A name given to someone who makes bets about arbitrary things. This person will also claim to have made bets with others for some quick cash.
"Rob you are such a vance I never made a bet with you."
by arrrg12 August 29, 2007
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Vanced, also known as "YouTube Vanced" is a custom YouTube application for Android devices which contains zero ads, it removes all kinds of advertisements from YouTube for completely free, without the user having to purchase YouTube Premium, Vanced does it for free! It comes with SponsorBlock, which removes all kinds of annoying parts (paid promotions, self promotions, intros, outros, like/subscribe reminders, and a lot more), it does a great job, and it's 100% safe to use! It's advanced, but without "ad"!
Person 1: Bruh I got double unskippable ads yesterday on YouTube :( I'm heavily thinking about buying premium but I can't really afford it tbh :(
Person 2: Bro, just download YouTube vanced, it does the job for free!
Person 1: Really? Thanks bro!

Person 2: No problem bro!
by thesmartkid420 August 26, 2021
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