A member of the female sex who adorns herself prodominantly in clothing too small for herself, creating an effect of her figure spilling out over the top of her pants, resembling the top of a muffin. Muffin tops are generally unaware of their condition, and typically even believe that they are MORE attractive than non-muffin tops. These females are very easily spotted in nearly all social events, and the muffin tops even parade themselves about in a way to advertise their willingness to participate in sexual activity with willing members of BOTH sexes. Most of the time, muffin tops can be found in the pressence of and under the influence of alcohol and other substances.
"look at jessica, in those pants she is a total muffin top, they must be at least 2 sizes too small, and her fat stomache is spilling out all over the place!"
by Mike Clark February 13, 2006
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When a female has on really tight low rider jeans and her fat is bulging out at the waist. Looking like the top of a muffin
The girl's jeans are way to tight her fat looks like a muffin top.
by Camrin2Fresh July 2, 2008
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When the pants or skirt someone is wearing is to tight (bought 2 years ago) and fat hangs over the top. Making you look like a muffin.
Look at that girl! She has a muffin top and she looks like a whore!
by Ashlee Irene December 28, 2005
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When a girl wears pants that are too small and she has ungodly child bearing hips and gigantic sides that flow over her pants.
Yo Shandra look at the massive muffin-tops on that bitch, how i would like to put some I can't believe its not butter on those bad boys and take a bite. Damn she fine.
by Kristine_O November 25, 2006
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A medical condition in which an individual has an abdomen that overlaps the belt line, front and back, in a shape that resembles the top of a carefully baked muffin.

Pointing an individuals possession of a well defined muffin top may result in dangerous reactions. See LAK
Did you guys see the muffin top on that portly fellow that just waddled by us?
by Doctor Chuck April 30, 2009
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the fat that hangs over to tight jeans, forming the look a like of the top of a muffin.
jane: ugg, did you see sally's muffin tops

becky: yay that girl needs new jeans!
by becky s December 16, 2005
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The roll of fat that peeks out from under a shirt and drapes over ones pants. Akin to how a muffin usually overflows its wrapper. Typically exemplified by large women in tight clothes.

"Dude look, that chicks got a huge muffin top!"
by Ryan Weider November 19, 2006
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