a type of guy who is kool,always gets the ladies, always makeing ppl laugh, always helps people out and loves to do shisha.
thats chogs he is the shisha king

yeh chogs helped me out

damn that joke was funny, another chogs classic

yo did you see chogs new girl. shes HOT
by the SLG June 13, 2006
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To complete a task quickly with unnecessary effort
I chogged through my new video game over christmass and completed it under 3 hours
by Yinnyari January 10, 2008
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bloke 1: i'm off the the pub for a chog
bloke 2: mind if i join you?
bloke 1: yeah, let's get chogging it!
by c1t1z3n@hotmail.co.uk December 13, 2010
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a self explanatory WORD (noun verb adjective anythang)
hey what up chog? how you doin chogo? why you bein a stupid chog. i chogged that girl last night. quit choggin on that blunt!
" some one broke into my house and chogged everything. etc
by gergenChog October 19, 2010
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You know you're not allowed to eat that casserole you giant chog!
by chogster January 24, 2012
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The inevitable dog that accompanies a chav. The dog is likely to be a Pitt Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler or anything that will attack a child under the age of 5. Chog is an amalgamation of the words 'Chav' and 'Dog'.
Look at that chav over there in the burberry cap, I bet his chog would take yer leg off.
by Yoric September 7, 2009
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The top inch of your asscrack. The area that defines plumber butt.
by Hooker January 13, 2004
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